
conservative by nature's favorite Quotes

These are some of my favorite quotes. Many come from my reading. I recently discovered the Arcamax history and quote page. You can subscribe as well. Think you have one I would like? Email me then! Claude Monet: "Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love."

Location: United States

Favorite composer: Debussy; Favorite artist: Monet; Favorite old author: Charles Dickens

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Johann S. Bach

German composer and organist

The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.

I have always kept one end in view, namely, with all good will to conduct a well-regulated church music to the honor of God.

Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.

Where there is devotional music, God is always at hand with His gracious presence.

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A nation who gave us musicians that were inspired.

{Just to name a few of MY favorites!}

A nation that nurtured Martin Luther who started the Protestant Reformation by nailing the 95 theses on a church door.

A nation that shared the tradition of the Christmas tree.....

....and who gave us one of the most memorable Christmas hymns, "Silent Night, Holy Night".

How then, could a Christian people allow Nazis among their midst? To allow them to come to power? To allow them to commit the atrocities that were committed?

"We didn't know" a collective lie~~that needs to be renounced. It would have been better to go to death speaking out against evil than to live by remaining silent then. It would be better to admit the mistake of not speaking out than to continue the lie of denial now.

Today, in nations around the world, there are persecutions of Christians, and the world remains silent once again.
Voice of the Martyrs

This is why EVIL appears to be triumphing. But it is a fleeting triumph. The battles may be won......but the war is already lost.

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